Introduction to NFT

Introduction to NFT

Industry Overview

Introduction to NFT

With the help of NFT virtual items canbecome assets. NFT stands for non-fungible token, which is a kind ofnon-fungible asset, unique and not interchangeable. Most assets in both thereal and virtual world are non-fungible. NFT can map virtual items and be usedto trade virtual items. Any data can be mapped on the chain, so that NFTbecomes an "entity" of data, thus realizing the value flow of data.In this way, equipment, decoration, and land property rights are now tradableentities.

NFT and Games

NFT games have been growing rapidly in2021. The P2E model, powered by blockchain technology, is unleashing digitaleconomic opportunities. Playing games is no longer just a time-killing activitybut a job. Gamers spend time and energy playing games day after day, earningincome for their families.

The Play-to-Earn business model has beenaround for a long time. In games like World of Warcraft, some players makemoney by selling equipment. In NFT games, this model has been upgraded to allowplayers to earn real money by playing games with cryptocurrency-based assets.By actively participating in these virtual economies, players can earn rewards,such as assets and tokens in the game, which can then be traded or sold on theopen market.

The new generation of NFT games focusesmore on combat, management, and fun networking while ensuring gamingperformance. Not only that, but it also offers the possibility to create valueand build wealth for different types of players.

MarskcoinOriginal Goal

Based on theplan to go to Mars initiated by 24 Earth Heroes, along with the huge potentialbrought by the blockchain technology, we are proud to announce the issue ofMarskCoin for Mars lovers around the world to support Elon Musk's plan tomigrate to Mars and to form a self-governed decentralized consensus communityMNFT.

Introductionto the Project

MNFT is an NFTeco-application released by Marskcoin. It guarantees that gamers have fullcontrol over their items in the game and creates a whole new gaming experience.